Friday, November 17, 2006

What I Know About Censorship

Censorship? What is it really? Some people believe it's just when they beep out certain words on TV that would be inappropriate. Or other times when they cover certain things with a black bar for a cheap laugh or to prevent mental scarring of this generation's young folk. But others times it's blocking or preventing certain programs from airing. Why? Because some things aren't aired because it could insult certain people like on a radio or is just not ment to be seen on TV: maybe on pay-per-view. On the radio, when they air a song, they blank out the offensive lyrics so that the FCC( Federal Communications Commission) says it's appropiate to play on the radio. The FCC also makes sure that certain programs, like rated R movies, are changed so that it is at least appropriate for a PG-13 audience by bleeping bad words and cutting certain scenes. But the rabbit hole goes much deeper then that. All over the world, censorship affects newspapers, books, movies, shows and many more forms of multimedia that aren't just to protect the public.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sockerskillz, good blog, but it sounds like u got some of that info from the internet. did u? other than that, its good