Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Artifact Five

Howard Kurtz and Frank Ahrens."Sirius Lands a Big Dog: Howard Stern." 7 Oct 2004. 23 Jan 2007.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A10953-2004Oct6.html

On October 6th, 2004, Howard Stern announced that he would be leaving Viacom Broadcasting and moving to satellite radio with Sirius. Stern has a been a man who would speak out out his mind and say what he wanted to, whether it hurt anyone or not. With every station that had Stern also would have to deal with the fines from the FCC because of something he said on his radio show. Stern had enough after things he used to say before were deemed inappropriate by Viacom after the company was fined $550,000 by the FCC for Janet Jackson's breast exposure during Super Bowl 38.
courtesy of celebritydetails.com

When Sirius offered him over 5oo million dollars to be on satellite radio, Stern jumped right on. Sirius produces satellite radio, which the FCC cannot censor in anyway. While regular radio stations have to hold up to FCC standards and regulations, people who work for satellite stations are allowed to say whatever they want. If Stern wanted to make fun of stupid people or religions, he could say whatever he wanted, and he wouldn't have to worry about a fine from the FCC. . Stern has attracted people to his show by not only ridiculing others to the point where you ask yourself," Did he just go there?", he has guests varying from celebrities to random strippers. With this, Sirius expected Stern to increase their audience from 600,000 to over 10 million.

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